ビューティフルドリーマー:Beautiful Dreamer


Needless to say, this is one of Mamoru Oshii’s masterpieces. Although it is a situation juvenile, “the day before the school festival that lasts forever,” it actually seemed to me that it could be a hint when considering the quality of life of the elderly.
In the elderly, deep memories that were once engraved remain vivid, but short-term memories that seem to propagate in the shallow part of the hippocampus fizzle out before they take root.
Take, for example, an elderly woman. At the moment we are conversing, she is alive and kicking. The supremely smooth, humorous, and cynical figure is not much different from the woman she once was. However, it is difficult to remember the punctuation of time: “a few days later, today, a few days ahead. It is only an impression, but she seems to be living in a 48-hour period in which the beginning and the end are obscured by fog. I am not sure if it was a week ago or yesterday that I visited her. She is aware that the next few days will be a relative tomorrow. Eventually, the “discrepancy” between “yesterday, today, and tomorrow” in her mind and “yesterday, today, and tomorrow” in reality grows. If the aging of cognition is slower for “feelings” than for “memories,” the “discrepancy” that is suddenly thrust in front of her will be accompanied by “surprise and fear,” and only the impression of “unpleasant feelings” will remain.

Should we wake up Wataru Moroboshi and his friends who are repeating the eternal moratorium in Ram’s dream or not?
In the story of “young people” who should grow up from now on, the answer, needless to say, would be a return to reality.
Of course, it is a case-by-case basis, but “the day before the school festival that lasts forever” actually seems to be a great relief for the elderly. We who are left behind should actively support them to live their lives peacefully in the world.